How to stay in control using the Jobs view in the ServiceM8 App

Staying on top of all jobs while maintaining great customer communication is critical to your success. The Jobs view on your ServiceM8 app gives you a complete overview of all tasks, jobs, unaddressed customer messages, and job-related questions from team members that need your attention.

When applicable, job highlights are visible from smart lists without having to open the job, which lets you instantly see why a job requires your attention. (Note that job highlights for jobs requiring action are also visible from the Online Dashboard in the Jobs list, and from the Queues board.)

In the ServiceM8 App, tap Jobs twice to access the Jobs view.

jobs view in app
blank line

Depending on how you have customised your Jobs view, you will see a number of smart lists. The number next to each smart list indicates the number of items in that list at any given time. Tap a list to open it.

Available smart lists include:

ACTION REQUIRED (app / online): Lists all jobs requiring action (to be queued, to be scheduled or rescheduled, to be marked as unsuccessful or completed, and any customer replies that have not been addressed or dismissed). It also includes jobs that have expired from queues, whether assignable or standard queues, that need follow up.

  • Best practice: Assign a staff member to closely monitor this list throughout the day.
  • The image below provides examples of job highlights in the Action Required list.
job highlights sample
blank line

FOR MY REVIEW (app / online, user-specific): Shows all jobs that need your attention, including jobs with uncompleted tasks assigned to you, jobs with unread mentions, and jobs assigned to you through queues (both current and expired assignments). It also shows jobs that were scheduled to you, but that have expired without being completed, rescheduled, or queued.

  • Best practice: Check this list throughout the day to make sure you don't overlook anything.


MENTIONS (app only, user-specific): Shows all jobs where you have been mentioned in a note in the job diary. Job highlights let you see the mention without opening the job.


MY TASKS (app only, user-specific): Shows all jobs that have specific tasks assigned to you. Job highlights make it easy to get context because the task is linked to the job in the list.


REPLIES (app only): Shows all jobs where clients have sent an sms or email that has not been actioned. They remain in this list until someone either replies to the customer or dismisses the message (see How to reply to messages from the Jobs list).


MY QUEUED JOBS (app only, user-specific): Shows all jobs assigned to you through an Assignable Queue.


MY SCHEDULE (app only, user-specific): Shows all jobs that are scheduled or assigned to you in chronological order.


TODAY: Shows all jobs scheduled to you today, and all queued jobs assigned to you.

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