How to download a backup of your ServiceM8 data

Self Service Backup allows you to perform a backup of your ServiceM8 data.

Do I need to backup ServiceM8?

No. One the the main benefits of ServiceM8 over traditional software is that we take care of all the maintenance and backups. Your data is backed up automatically to multiple locations around the world every 24 hours. See How safe is my ServiceM8 data from data loss?

Why would I use this manual backup?

Most customers will not need a manual backup but those who do usually have one of the following reasons:

- Industry or regulatory compliance.

- Business policy.

- Peace of mind.

How to download a backup

Select: Settings > ServiceM8 Account > Download account backup

The Download account backup link is at the bottom of the ServiceM8 Account page.

Click Create Backup to begin the download.

The manual backup process will take between a few minutes to several hours to complete, depending on the amount of data stored in your account. ServiceM8 must collect all of your jobs, clients, materials and documents ready for you to download in a single file. Ensure you are downloading the backup over a reliable internet connection, and the computer you're using won't be interrupted by a 'sleep' or 'standby' mode.

If you wait for your backup, once the download is complete you can download the data by clicking on the prompt.

You will receive an email when your backup is ready, so you can safely close this window or navigate to another page.

  • An account backup can be performed a maximum of once every 24 hours.
  • An account backup is for reference only — the data cannot be "imported" into a new or separate ServiceM8 account.
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