ServiceM8 uses Client Cards for storing details and information specific to clients.
View client cards (online)
To view your Client Cards select Clients from the dashboard or top menu.
From here you can search, open, edit, remove, and create new Client Cards.
Creating new client cards (online)
1. Customer - This field is used to search for existing clients and as the company title field.
2. Address - This is where you put your customer's address, ServiceM8 will attempt to auto correct this field.
3. Contacts - This is where you fill in one or more client's contact details and set their role.
4. Client Diary - The client diary is great for storing information about the client that will be helpful on all jobs for this client. Any notes, photos or documents stored in this diary will be available at the bottom of the job diary for all jobs for this client.
5. Client Badges - You can set badges for a client online. When a badge is activated for a client it will automatically be activated for all jobs created for this client. Useful for 'VIP', 'Bad Payer' or form badges that the client requires.
Primary contact
The Primary Contact is the contact that will be set to the job contact when you create a job for this client. You set the primary contact by right-clicking the contact in the list. The Billing Contact is compulsory and will be used on a new job whether it is Primary or not.
It is possible to set the Primary Contact as the Billing Contact. This means when a new job is created both the job and billing contact will be set as the Billing Contact. Handy if you only have one contact for a client.
View client cards (in the App)
To navigate to a Client Card in the app, tap the "i" information button in a job card or go to the More tab and tap Clients.
Search for a client or select one from the list to view or edit the Client Card. To create a new client tap the + symbol.
In the Client Card you can see the client's contact details, and complete the following actions:
1. Add contact - Add additional people to this client.
2. Badges - View and add client badges.
3. Job History - See the client's job history, including current jobs.
4. Assets - View the assets that are associated with this client. See How to get started with the asset management Add-on.
5. Client Diary - See and/or edit the client information that is included at the bottom of the job diary for all jobs for this client.
To add notes to the client diary click the + symbol.