Available fields for invoice and quote templates

ServiceM8 invoice and quote templates use fields, which are dynamic references to information contained within ServiceM8. The list below contains all available fields that can be used with ServiceM8's template system. (To learn more about modifying fields within templates, read this article.)

For fields correctly formatted and ready to paste into your document, download the following file and open it in Microsoft Word. 


Global Invoice/Quote Template Fields

Field Name Description
job.date Job Creation Date
job.contact_first Customer's Job Contact First Name
job.contact_last Customer's Job Contact Last Name
job.phone_1 Customer's Job Contact Phone
job.mobile Customer's Job Contact Mobile
job.email Customer's Job Contact Email Address
job.job_address Customer's Job Address
job.job_address_singleline Customer's Job Address (on a single line)
job.billing_address Customer's Billing Address
job.instantpost_billing_address Customer's Billing Address in Postal Format addressed to the Billing Contact (Defaults to Job Contact and Job Address if Billing Contact and Billing Address are not available)
job.status Current Status of Job (Quote / Work Order / Completed / Unsuccessful)
job.quote_date Date job was marked as a Quote
job.work_order_date Date job was marked as a Work Order
job.description Job Description
job.work_done_description Job Work Completed Details
job.generated_job_id Job Number
job.completion_date Date job was marked completed
job.completion_actioned_by Staff Member's name who marked job completed
job.unsuccessful_date Date job was marked unsuccessful
job.billing_contact_first Customer's Billing Contact First Name
job.billing_contact_last Customer's Billing Contact Last Name
job.phone_2 Customer's Billing Contact Phone
job.billing_mobile Customer's Billing Contact Mobile
job.billing_email Customer's Billing Email Address
job.property_manager_first Property Manager Contact First Name
job.property_manager_last Property Manager Contact Last Name
job.property_manager_email Property Manager Contact Email Address
job.property_manager_phone Property Manager Contact Phone Number
job.property_manager_mobile Property Manager Contact Mobile Number
job.purchase_order_number Job Purchase Order Number
vendor.name Your Company Name
vendor.email Your Company Email Address
vendor.website Your Website address
calculation.todays_date_extended Today's Date Extended Format
calculation.todays_date Today's Date
calculation.current_user_fullname Staff Member's name who produced the invoice
job.total_price Total price
job.subtotal_price Subtotal price
job.materials_subtotal_price Total materials
job.labour_subtotal_price Total labour
job.total_tax_price Tax total price (GST / VAT / etc)
job.amount_paid Amount Paid by Customer (available after job completion & Invoicing)
job.deposit_description Percentage of the total that is being used as the deposit requirement
job.deposit_amount Dollar amount due as the deposit
job.balance_due Total price less any amounts paid
job.payment_date Date payment for this job was processed
job.payment_actioned_by Staff Member's name who processed payment
job.payment_method Payment Method (available after job completion and invoicing)
job.invoice_due_date Date invoice is due (Invoice terms from Job Completion Date). If a non-standard Payment Term is applied to the client, then its settings will be used instead.
job.invoice_due_date_from_today Date invoice is due (Invoice terms from Invoiced Date). If a non-standard Payment Term is applied to the client, then its settings will be used instead.
job.invoice_date The date the job's Status was updated to Completed, or the first date a PDF invoice was produced on the job (whichever date came first), in a short format i.e. DD/MM/YYYY.
job.invoice_date_extended The date the job's Status was updated to Completed, or the first date a PDF invoice was produced on the job (whichever date came first), in a long format e.g. 1 January 2023.
location.name Name given to your current location (for example, Head Office)
location.line1 Your Office Address (Line 1)
location.line2 Your Office Location (Line 2)
location.line3 Your Office Location (Line 3)
location.city Your Office Location (City)
location.post_code Your Office Location (Postal Code / Zip Code)
location.country Your Office Location (Country)
location.phone_1 Your Phone Number 
location.state Your Office Location (State) 
location.mobile Your Mobile Number 
location.lng GPS Longitude of your Office 
location.lat GPS Latitude of your Office 
job.site_name Name of Site (otherwise customer's name appears if isn't a job site)
job.company_name Customer's Company Name (Client's name for individuals and Head Office name for sites) 
job.booked_by_name Staff Member's name who booked the job
calculation.current_user_fullname Current User's Full Name
calculation.current_user_first Current User's First Name
calculation.current_user_last Current User's Last Name
calculation.current_user_mobile Current User's Mobile Number
calculation.current_user_email Current User's Email Address
calculation.current_user_customfield_licence_number Current User's Licence Number
job.category Job Category
job.last_checkin_staff_name Last Check-in Details - Staff Member's Full Name
job.last_checkin_start_date Last Check-in Details - Start date/time
job.last_checkin_end_date Last Check-in Details - Completion date/time
job.last_checkin_duration Last Check-in Details - Check-in Duration
job.total_checkin_duration Total Check-in time for job

Per Item Invoice/Quote Template Fields

jobMaterial.item_number Material/Service Code
jobMaterial.name Material/Service Name
jobMaterial.description Material/Service Description
jobMaterial.quantity Quantity
jobMaterial.tax_rate Item Tax Type
jobMaterial.cost Per Item Cost
jobMaterial.price Per Item Price
jobMaterial.price_ex_tax Per Item Price - Excluding Taxes
jobMaterial.total_price_ex_tax Total Price for this item (Quantity x Per Item Price} - Excluding Taxes
jobMaterial.total_price Total Price for this item (Quantity x Per Item Price} - Including Taxes


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