How to take and save photos to a job

This article reviews how to take photos using the ServiceM8 App and save them directly to a Job Diary.

If you need to save photos to a Job Diary that were not taken from the ServiceM8 App, see this article.

  1. From the Jobs view in the ServiceM8 App, tap the relevant job.
selecting job
blank line
  1. If you are completing a checklist task with the word "photo" in it (for example, "Photo of old sink"), tap the task and go to step 4.
checklist task with the word photo in it
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  1. If the photos are not part of a checklist, from the Job Actions bar, tap Camera.
    • If Camera is not a one-tap icon on the Job Actions bar, tap More (...), then tap Camera.
    • If you do not see Camera as an available action when you tap More (...), tap Edit Actions and add it. See this article for more information.
camera on job action bar
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  1. Take one or more photos at once. Review photos by tapping the thumbnail.
photo button and thumbnail
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  1. Share, tag, or delete photos directly from the review pane. When you are satisfied with your photos, tap Done.
share, tag, delete, then done
blank line
  1. Tap Save.
blank line

Saved photos will be saved to the Job Diary.

photos saved to a job diary
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