How the sync with QuickBooks Online works

This lesson explains how information syncs between ServiceM8 and QuickBooks Online.


  • Invoices are sent to QuickBooks Online when Approved on the invoicing page (in the Online Dashboard or the iOS app).
  • Invoices printed or emailed in QuickBooks Online will be marked as sent in ServiceM8,
  • Invoices created in QuickBooks Online are not sent to ServiceM8.
  • Once Approved to QuickBooks Online, if you make changes to the invoice in ServiceM8 which affect the total amount, then the invoice's line items will re-sync and update to QuickBooks Online (this applies from ServiceM8 12).

Note: Invoices with a value of zero will not be sent to QuickBooks Online when approved.

Tip: if an Invoice is not being exported as you expect, mouse over the red "X" icon in the Invoicing page for more information about why the invoice cannot be exported. 


  • Payments received against an invoice in ServiceM8 will be sent to QuickBooks Online.
  • Payments received in QuickBooks Online will be imported into ServiceM8.
  • Payments deleted in QuickBooks Online will be deleted in ServiceM8.
  • Payments cannot be deleted in ServiceM8 after they have been sent to QuickBooks Online.

Clients and Materials

Clients and materials entered into QuickBooks Online:

Clients and materials from QuickBooks Online will be synced to ServiceM8 after integration is completed. Changes made in either program will update the other within 20 minutes.

Clients and materials entered into ServiceM8:

Clients and materials entered or imported into ServiceM8 will only be sent to QuickBooks Online with an invoice. Once the client and/or material is sent to QuickBooks Online with an invoice they will remain synced, with changes made in either program updating the other.

Clients and materials marked as inactive in QuickBooks Online will be removed from ServiceM8.

Clients and materials removed from ServiceM8 that have been synced with QuickBooks Online will be marked as inactive in QuickBooks.

Note: A client in ServiceM8 not yet synced with QuickBooks Online will be overwritten if the same client is entered manually into QuickBooks

For materials, in order for Purchase Cost to sync, your items must be marked as "I purchase this item" in QuickBooks". 

Are all clients in QuickBooks imported?

No, inactive customers and sub-customers marked as "Bill with parent" will not be imported.

Tax Settings

On integration, all tax codes in QuickBooks Online will be imported into ServiceM8. Changes made to tax settings in QuickBooks Online will sync to ServiceM8. Changes to tax settings cannot be made within ServiceM8 while integrated with QuickBooks Online.


ServiceM8 does not sync staff with QuickBooks Online.


If you'd like to try QuickBooks Online with ServiceM8, check out QuickBooks Online here

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