How to change the default SMS invoicing template?

In this lesson you will learn how you can change the message in the SMS Invoice template.

Click Settings from the Dashboard

Click Settings from the Dashboard

Click SMS Templates

Click SMS Templates

Click Add SMS Template

Create a new SMS Template

  1. In the Template Name box, enter the name as "SMS Invoice" of the new SMS template.
  2. Type your message you want in the Message box.
  3. You can use the SMS Template Fields to automatically fill in the information to your message.

Note, the default message is:

'Please find your {} invoice attached for ${job.total_price}


If you are unable to open the invoice please call our office on {location.phone_1} and quote job #{job.generated_job_id}'

Click Save Changes

Click Save Changes

Invoices sent via SMS will now use the message entered in the 'SMS Invoice' template.

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