What is Awaiting Approval used for?

Awaiting approval is basically an extra status that jobs go through, The job full process is:

Quote > Work Order > Completed > Awaiting Approval > Awaiting Payment > Paid

Total jobs pending approval

Total jobs pending approval

The summary page gives a quick overview of invoice totals at each job status.

Awaiting Approval Tab

Awaiting Approval Tab

Awaiting Approval can be used in multiple ways:

  • If your field techs don't add materials they can be added here.
  • If your field techs add material but need they to be checked it can be done here.
  • For marking invoices as transferred to a non-integrated accounting package. (Approve invoices once the information has been transferred)
  • When integrated to an accounting package approving sends the invoice to the accounting package to be tracked.

To approve, just tick a job and click Approve

To approve, just tick a job and click Approve

Approved jobs will move to awaiting payment.

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