Welcome to ServiceM8, this lesson will show you how to create a job in ServiceM8.
Click Dispatch Board icon
Click New Job
This is the Job Card
The job card is where all job information for a given job will be stored throughout the life of the job.
Job Card fields
- Customer - This field is used to to search for existing clients and as the company title field.
- Purchase Order - This field stores purchase order number information.
- Job Status - Job status is basically the stage that the job is at either: Quote, Work Order, Completed or Unsuccessful.
- Job Category - This field allows you to organize your jobs in anyway you like.
- Job Address - This is where you put your customers address, ServiceM8 will attempt to auto correct this field.
- Description - This field is used to describe the job to be completed. Tip - put a dash before a requirement to create a checklist on the phone. Eg. "- Clean the gutters"
- Contacts - This is where you fill in the customers name and contact details.
Fill in the fields click Save once done
The job will now appear in the jobs list
The job list stores all current jobs, drag jobs from this list onto staff or the staff schedule to schedule it.