How to scan paper documents using the app

Document Scanner is a job action in the ServiceM8 App that you can use to scan paper documents with your iPhone or iPad's camera. ServiceM8 will auto-detect and scan the document, and once saved, attach it as a .pdf file in the Job Diary as a Document.

Note: This feature requires iOS 11 or later. 

To scan a document from the ServiceM8 app:

  1. Tap Jobs.
  1. Find and tap the job card related to the document(s) to be scanned.
list of jobs in app
  1. From the Job Actions bar, depending on how you have ordered your favourite job actions, tap Document Scanner or More (...) > Document Scanner. (If you do not have Document Scanner set up as a favourite job action, see this article.)
document scanner icon
  1. Hover your camera over the document until it turns green, indicating the area to be scanned. Tap the green button.

TIP: A document scans easily if it stands out from its environment. Try placing the page on a bare surface (such as a floor or a clear counter), then scan.

scanning a document
  1. If needed, adjust the corners by dragging the handles until the entire document is captured. When you are satisfied, tap Keep Scan. (To scan again, tap Retake.)
adjusting corners and keeping scan
  1. You will see the scan preview in the bottom left. Either scan another page in the document, or click Save to finish scanning.

TIP: More than one document can be scanned at once. Progressively capture numerous documents, then tap the preview window in the bottom-left of the screen to review or delete documents. 

When you return to the job card, you will see a notification under Diary indicating a new job action has been completed. Upon opening the Job Diary, you will see your scanned document saved as a PDF attachment.

saved scan as a document in the job diary

TIP: To learn how to delete the document from the job diary, read this article.

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