Troubleshooting logos and images in invoice and quote templates

The following sections respond to frequently asked questions about logos and images in invoice and quote templates. Please click the links to learn more:

Adding or changing a logo

When you first set up your ServiceM8 account, you had the option of uploading a logo file. You may have chosen not to add a logo at the time, or you may have an updated logo you would like to use now. To upload a new or modified logo file to ServiceM8:

  1. From your Online Dashboard, go to Settings > Preferences.
  1. The Company Information section will open. Scroll down to Company Logo and click Select.
uploading a company logo
  1. Find the updated logo on your computer and click Open.
  2. On the lower right, click Save.

Your new logo file is now uploaded. Proceed to the next section to update your built-in ServiceM8 templates with your new logo.

Tips for working with images in custom or modified templates

Certain settings in Word may cause images to disappear in quotes or invoices upon printing or merging. If you are encountering issues with images in a customised or modified template, download and open your current template in Word (see how to download your template for more information) and check the following:

  1. Right-click on the image that is not appearing. Go to Wrap Text and ensure that In Line with Text is selected. This keeps the image on the text layer instead of the drawing layer, which eliminates many Word-related image errors. If you need to move the image or wrap text around the image, use margins and tables.
wrap text image settings in Word

If your image is too large or is cut off, your first step should be to use your photo editing package to resize the image and replace it in Word. If that doesn't work, or if you don't know how to resize an image, you can use Word to resize as follows:

  1. Right-click on the image and go to Size and Position.
image size and position in Word
  1. Set the Height and Width under Scale to a percentage such as 60%. To prevent distortion, keep the Lock aspect ratio and Relative to original picture size checkboxes selected.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Check the sizing. You may need to try a couple different percentages until you're happy with the results.
adjusting height and width of images in Word

Once you have made all necessary adjustments to your template, save and upload it back to ServiceM8. (See How to upload your template for more information.) Your image issues should be resolved.

If you are still encountering issues with a logo or image:

  • If you are working with a custom or modified template, you can ask one of our ServiceM8 Partners for assistance.
  • If you are working with a built-in invoice or quote template that you have not modified, you can submit a request for assistance.
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