How to use a quote acceptance?

This tutorial will show you how to create and use a quote acceptance through a special link that you can include in Email or SMS message.

Go to Settings, click Email or SMS Templates.

Go to Settings, click Email or SMS Templates

To create a new email template, click Add Email Template.

Then add the code {document} into your Email message. Click Save Changes.

For SMS template, click Add SMS Template.

Then insert the code {document} into your SMS message and save it.

To test is out, open a job either from the app or online, in this example will use the ServiceM8 app.

Tap Job Actions ( + )

Tap Job Actions ( + )

Note: The job status must be in Quote.

Tap Email or SMS

Tap Email or SMS

Select the Quote Acceptance Template and send

Select the Quote Acceptance Template and send

Once the online quote acceptance is approved it will then automatically change its job status to work order and a record in the diary.

Once the online quote acceptance is approved it will then automatically change its job status to work order and a record in the diary.
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