Queues - overview

Job queues are virtual folders that let you manage jobs on hold - without losing sight of them. Using queues keeps your standard jobs lists uncluttered, so you can focus on the right jobs at the right time.

This article reviews the two types of job queues, how job queue expiry dates work, and provides links to other relevant articles.

NOTE: You can see jobs in, and send jobs to, queues from both the Online Dashboard and the ServiceM8 mobile app.

Types of Job Queues

There are two types of job queues:

  • Regular queues, which hold jobs waiting on an external action before work can progress. For example, you may be waiting for a part to arrive, or for a client to respond to a quote.
    • Default queues in ServiceM8 are Parts on Order, Pending Quotes, and Workshop - but you can customize or create any queue you'd like.
assigning a job to a regular queue
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  • Assignable queues, which hold jobs waiting on an internal action before work can progress. For example, you may need to place an order for a specific part for a job, or for a staff member to send a quote to a client.
    • Assignable queues are assigned to a specific staff member for completion within a specific time.
    • Jobs assigned to a staff member in an assignable queue will appear in that staff member's For My Review jobs list, and they will also receive a notification.
assigning a job to an assignable queue
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In both the Online Dashboard and the ServiceM8 mobile app, regular queue folders and assignable queue folders are coloured differently. In the example below, there is one assignable queue (Order parts), and the others are all regular queues.

queue folders shown in app
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Job queue expiry dates

All jobs in queues have expiry dates.

If a job is still in a queue on the expiry date, it is flagged for review in the Queues view on the Dispatch Board. It also automatically appears in the Action Required and Unscheduled jobs lists for further action, which can be seen on both the Online Dashboard and the ServiceM8 mobile app.

In the example below, Job #108 is in the Pending Quotes queue past the expiry date. It is flagged in the Queues view on the Dispatch Board, and can be seen in the Action Required jobs list.

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The same expired job is also flagged and highlighted with a lighter background in the queue on the ServiceM8 mobile app.

job expired from queue - mobile app view
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You can set default expiration windows for each individual queue, but expiry dates can always be customized by jobs.

For example, if you have a job in the Parts on Order queue and you know the part usually arrives within 2 days, you can set your expiry date to 3 days out.

  • If the part arrives earlier, the job can be removed from the queue and scheduled as usual.
  • If the part has not arrived by the third day, then the job is flagged in the queue and appears in the Action Required list, prompting you to take action (such as following up with the supplier).

Assignable queues typically have a much shorter expiry window, since they require a staff member to take action before work can progress. An expired job in an assignable queue can be reassigned to the same staff member, or to another staff member.


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For more information

To learn how to use queues in your daily workflow, see Manage jobs with queues.

To learn how to set up regular queues and assignable queues, see Set up queues.

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