How to cancel scheduled automations

Automatic client communications and tasks in ServiceM8, known as automations, cancel themselves if they are no longer relevant. For example, an automated quote follow-up will not send if a client accepts a quote, and an automated request for customer feedback will not send if the client has already submitted feedback.

However, if you want to cancel a scheduled automation for other reasons, or even disable an automation altogether, you can do so easily in the Online Dashboard.

  1. You can cancel an automation's scheduled message/s on a "one off" basis, directly from a client's job card.
  2. You can review all scheduled messages under an automation together, and cancel message/s on a "one off" basis. 
  3. You can disable an entire automation permanently, if it doesn't suit your needs.
  4. You can disable an automation for a specific client, permanently i.e. when an automation is not suitable for a few individual clients, but works well for all others.

To cancel an automated message from the job card:

  1. Find the job and double-click to open the job card.
  2. In the job diary, hover your mouse over the automation so the down arrow appears, then click it.
  3. Click Cancel Scheduled Message.
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To cancel an automation in Settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Automation.
settings > automation
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  1. Find the automation you want to cancel in the list and click # scheduled. (In the example below, there are 3 scheduled Quote Follow Up automations.)
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  1. Click Cancel next to any automations you don't want to send. (Click the job number to open the job card if needed.)
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To disable an automation entirely:

  1. Go to Settings > Automation.
settings > automation
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  1. Find the automation you want to disable for all clients, and switch it to OFF:
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To turn off an automation for a specific client:

  1. Find a job for the relevant client, and double-click to open the job card.
  2. In the job diary, hover your mouse over a scheduled message of the specific type of automation you don't want that client to receive in future, and click the drop-down arrow in the top-right corner.
  3. Click Turn Off for this Client.

You can re-enable it again for the client at any point in future by finding the disabled automation in a job card for the client, clicking the same drop-down and selecting "Re-enable for this Client". 

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