How to use the Bundles Add-on


The Bundles Add-on is a way to streamline and systemise your pricing, quoting & invoicing. With this add-on, you can roll several items of labour, materials or services into a preset ‘bundle’, with a fixed price and a single description for clients to see on your quotes & invoices. 

Bundles makes it easier to accurately charge for your services and systemise your pricing, while guiding your clients to focus on the value and outcomes they’re paying for. 

To get started, activate Bundles in Settings > ServiceM8 Add-ons. 

NOTE: Bundles is a new feature! To access it, you need to:

  • update your iPhones & iPads to the latest ServiceM8 app on the App Store; and
  • activate ServiceM8 11 (if you haven't already)  — click here, then click the 'Activate' button at the top of your Settings menu, before searching for the Bundles Add-on in ServiceM8 Add-ons.

How to create a Bundle

After activating the add-on, to create a new bundle of items, services and/or labour, go to Settings > Materials & Services > Bundles, then click 'Add Bundle'.

Give the new bundle an item number and name, which are appropriate to show to your clients — this will show on your quotes & invoices.

Then add individual materials, services and/or labour items to make up the bundle — these individual items will not show on your quotes & invoices (only the bundle's name).


  • Individual items in your bundles have a two-way connection to your main Materials & Services database — if you update the details of an item in a bundle, it will update that same item in Materials & Services (and whichever other bundles contain that same item). Existing jobs will not be affected.
  • If you update an item's details in Materials & Services, that change will flow through to update whichever bundles contain that same item. Existing jobs will not be affected.
  • Changing an item within a bundle which has been added to a job, will not update the saved bundle, Materials & Services, or other jobs — just like regular items, you can make one-off changes to bundles in a job card without affecting other jobs or your materials database.

How to add a bundle to a job

Once you've created a bundle in the Online Dashboard (above), you can add them to jobs much like you search and add regular items — online & in the ServiceM8 app. Just search by its bundle item number, or keyword:

Once added, you can see the contents of the bundle. In the job card online, simply hover over the line item row to see a quick-view of the bundle's contents:

Or click to open the bundle editor — here you can make one-off changes to the bundle to suit the job. Just like changing regular items on jobs, making changes to the bundle here will not affect the saved bundle, or bundles/items on other jobs.

In the app, simply tap the bundle to open it, see it's contents, and make one-off changes to suit the job.

How bundles work with Xero, QuickBooks Online & MYOB

When you send an invoice containing a bundle to your accounting software, it breaks the bundle up into its components. This ensures that the correct cost and income codes of the materials are used.

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