Completing Forms for Assets is how you retain service history and notes for the Assets your business works on. You can complete any type of Form against any Asset, but in most cases you’ll want to set up Forms that are tailored to the servicing that you do for a particular Asset Type — for example, a Fire Extinguisher Inspection form for your Fire Extinguishers, or an Annual Maintenance form for appliances.
If you don’t have the time to set up your own Forms, check out the Form Store to see if someone has already built a Form to suit your needs. If you need something custom, you can also check out our Partner Directory to get in contact with a ServiceM8 Partner for assistance with creating customised Forms for your business.
If you haven't worked with the Forms Add-on before, check out this article.
To complete a Form for an Asset, first open a Job in the mobile app. Tap the Assets menu (if it is not shown, you will need to apply an Asset badge to the job first).
Select an asset from the list (1), or use the barcode scanner (2) to scan the label attached to an Asset:
This opens the details for the Asset. Tap the plus (+) button at the top right to select which Form to complete for the Asset:
When completing a Form for an Asset, the process is identical to any other Form, but with one very handy addition — each question shows a history of past values for the Asset (1). This can be used to spot changes over time in measurements like fluid levels or wear indicators, or to record whether or not consumable items have been replaced at each service interval:
Once you’ve completed the Form for the Asset, it will be listed in the Asset’s history and saved in the Job diary, and the asset will be checked green so you know a Form has been completed against it on this job:
The Form type will also be listed as a “suggested” item the next time you open an Asset with the same Asset Type, so you don’t have to manually select it from the list of Forms every time.