This article covers the reports that can be generated in the ServiceM8 Online Dashboard. By default, only the Business Owner security role can view and access the Reports tab.
Go to the Reports tab in the Online Dashboard
The left side menu contains a list of available reports:

Job Backlog
The Job Backlog report shows Active, New and Completed jobs by week:
- Active Jobs/Backlog: the total number of jobs with a job status of either Quote or Work Order in your account, including New Jobs.
- New Jobs: the total number of new jobs created in the past week.
- Completed Jobs: the total number of jobs updated to a Completed job status in the past week.
Completed Jobs By Category
The Completed Jobs By Category report shows the number of jobs updated to a Completed job status by month, segmented by their set Job Category.
Jobs By Month
The Jobs By Month report shows the total number of new jobs created by month.

If your account is over 12 months old, this report will display as Year-on-Year:
Jobs By Status
The Jobs By Status report shows the total number of jobs which were Completed, Unsuccessful, or still In Progress by month, based on the date the job was created:
- Completed: the number of jobs created then updated to a Completed job status in the calendar month.
- Unsuccessful: the number of jobs created then updated to an Unsuccessful job status in the calendar month.
- In Progress: the number of jobs created and still have a job status of either Quote or Work Order in the calendar month.
Jobs Win/Lose Rate
The Jobs Win/Lose Rate report shows the number of Completed vs. Unsuccessful jobs based on the month the job was created:
- Jobs Successful: the number of jobs created in that month which have been updated to a Completed job status.
- Jobs Lost: the number of jobs created in that month which have been updated to an Unsuccessful job status.
The number of Successful & Lost jobs reported for a given month is based on the relevant jobs being created within that calendar month — it does not need to be created and finalised in the same calendar month e.g. a job created in September, then updated as Completed in October, will still contribute to September's number of successful jobs.
Material Usage
The Materials Usage Report shows the most-used Materials & Services across your jobs over a specified date range, and can be additionally segmented by individual staff members and Job Categories. This report can also be exported in .CSV format.
Top Clients
The Top Clients Report graphs your Top 10 Clients by revenue in the year to date, based on Completed jobs.
Revenue By Category
The Revenue By Category report shows revenue from Completed jobs, segmented by Job Category, by month. It will only report on jobs which have been 'Approved' in the Invoicing workflow, based on the calendar month in which they were Completed.
Revenue By Month
The Revenue By Month report displays the total sales/invoiced value of all Completed jobs which have been 'Approved' in the Invoicing workflow (including tax), based on the calendar month in which they were Completed.
If your account is over 12 months old, this report will display as Year-on-Year:
Feedback By Month
The Feedback By Month report shows your average feedback star rating out of 5, by calendar month, for jobs which have received feedback using the ServiceM8 Customer Feedback Add-on.
Recent Feedback
The Recent Feedback report shows your most recent feedback received from customers using the ServiceM8 Customer Feedback Add-on.
Online Bookings By Service
The Online Bookings By Service report allows you to see total page views, enquiries/bookings received, conversion rate and total revenue by Service type.
Online Bookings By Source
The Online Bookings By Source report allows you to see total page views, enquiries/bookings received, conversion rate and total revenue by Source.
See How to track the source of your Online Bookings for instructions on how to add tracking to your online booking pages to inform this report.
Activity Timesheet
The Activity Timesheet report shows various job activity for a selected staff member, including Clock On & Off times managed through the 'My Shift' options in the Activity tab of the ServiceM8 app, and Check In & Out times.
It can also report on "Scheduled Bookings" i.e. all jobs scheduled to the relevant staff member, including the scheduled Start Time, Stop Time, and Customer, during the set reporting period.
Weekly Timesheet
The Weekly Timesheet report shows the total hours a selected staff member was on shift in a specified week, based on Clock On & Clock Off times, as well as recorded Break times, recorded by staff through the 'My Shift' options of the Activity tab in the ServiceM8 app.
Weekly Timesheet Graph
The Weekly Timesheet Graph displays a breakdown of hours of work booked to a selected staff member in a specified week, segmented by Client. This can be displayed according to:
- Mobile Check In/ Check Out information (i.e. actual recorded Check In events); or
- Scheduled Bookings (i.e. the duration scheduled)
Custom Report
The Custom report generates on-screen custom reports for Jobs and Job Revenue. These can be filtered by:
- Job Status
- Job Category
- Job Badge
- Staff Member
The Custom and Export reports are only available with the Advanced Reporting Pack Add-on.
If you cannot see these reports on the side menu you will need to enable the Advanced Reporting Pack Add-on in Settings > ServiceM8 Add-ons — learn more here.

Client List Export
The Client List exports saved client details in .CSV format.
Client List Export is a feature of the Advanced Reporting Pack add-on. For instructions on how to activate this add-on see What is the advanced reporting pack add-on.

Job List Export
The Job List exports all job details in .CSV format, which can be opened using Microsoft Excel.
Job List Export is a feature of the Advanced Reporting Pack Add-on — learn how here.
Recurring Job List Export
The Recurring Job List exports current recurring jobs in .CSV format.
Recurring Job List Export is a feature of the Advanced Reporting Pack add-on and Recurring Jobs + Reminders add-on. For instructions on how to activate these add-ons see: