If you get a lot of work from clients like property managers and letting agents, they’ll often send the work through as a PDF work order.
Your ServiceM8 Email Inbox has the ability to scan work orders. So, instead of you needing to manually copy or transcribe all the details from the PDF into a new job card, as soon as the work order arrives in your Inbox, ServiceM8 can scan the PDF and extract key job and contact details, then automatically fill in the job card.
To use this feature, first ensure the Email Inbox Add-on is activated in Settings > ServiceM8 Add-ons:

Next, go to Settings > Email Inbox to view your unique inbox email address for your ServiceM8 account, to which you can send or forward emails, and provide to certain clients:

Emails & work orders sent to this address will arrive in your Inbox, which you can open from the top-right of your Online Dashboard:

When an email which includes a PDF work order arrives in your Inbox, ServiceM8 will begin scanning it to extract key details:

Once complete, click 'Convert to Job':

The new job card will be auto-filled with job & contact details from the PDF work order:

Work order scanning works best with popular real estate management software templates for generating PDF work orders. Results may vary depending on the layout and formatting of the work order being scanned.