What does Job Status mean?

There are 4 types of Job Status in ServiceM8. They keep track of what stage a job is at:

  • Q - Quote: The job either needs to be quoted, or is waiting for the quote to be approved.
  • W - Work Order: You have received approval from the client for work to start. The job should remain as a Work Order until all physical work is complete.
  • C - Completed: All work on the job has been completed and the job is ready to be invoiced.
  • U - Unsuccessful: Either the quote was not accepted or the job has been cancelled. 

Each Job Status is associated with a different colour and icon, letting you see a job's status at a glance:

4 colours of job statuses

The colour of the top bar of the job card also reflects its current status.


Can I add or modify Job Statuses?

The four job statuses are fixed and cannot be changed, since they are an integral part of how work moves through ServiceM8. New jobs should always begin as a Quote or Work Order, while finished jobs or unsuccessful client interactions should either be marked as Completed or Unsuccessful.

If you need to manage more detailed workflows (for example, keeping track of which jobs need to be quoted versus which ones are awaiting a response from the client), you can use the Queues tool. See How can I manage jobs on hold? for more information.

Can I change the default Job Status assigned upon creating a new job?

Yes. The default Job Status when creating a new job is Quote, but you can change it to Work Order. To change it:

  1. From the Online Dashboard, go to Account > Settings > Preferences.
  2. Click Job Settings.
  3. Using the dropdown list under Default Options, select Quote or Work Order.
  4. Click Save.
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