A feature of ServiceM8 Phone is the Secondary Call Group, where you can create a backup individual or group of staff members within the business — so, if a call comes in that would normally be answered (but isn't), it will ring through to the "backup" Secondary Call Group, instead of going straight to voicemail. Click here for How to divert calls to a Secondary Call Group of one or more staff members.
However, if you use an external service to help manage your phone lines, such as a virtual assistant or call-answering service, you can set unanswered ServiceM8 Phone calls to ring through to them instead. This is known as setting an External Secondary Call Group.
To set up an External Secondary Call Group, got to Settings > ServiceM8 Phone > Advanced Settings, and click 'Edit' next to Secondary Call Group.

Set calls to go to an External Phone Number.

Then enter their phone number.