
Wouldn't it be great if you could hit a button and have all of your invoicing done? Each client would have an email address and would be happy to receive their invoice via email - it would save you hours of printing, folding and posting of invoices - all so you can get paid for the work you've already delivered.

While this is a great idea, most people will tell you that sometimes it is just not possible. The client might not have an email address, or you might have forgotten to get their email address during the job. How many hours a month do you (or your admin staff) spend posting paper invoices to clients? What about the time involved in getting the invoices to the post office? And what about the cashflow issues because you're behind in posting your invoices?

Wouldn't it be great if you had a magic button in ServiceM8 which let you post invoices to clients as easily as you can email them? Well now you can.

Introducing InstantPost.

InstantPost is a feature in ServiceM8 to assist time-poor businesses get their invoicing to the client on-time. With the click of a button on your invoicing page, you can confirm your job pricing and postal address, and instantly post your invoices via Australia Post directly to your clients.  

How does it work?

InstantPost is simple - when you click the InstantPost button, we will:

  • Print your invoice on a high-quality colour laser printer
  • Fold and envelope your invoice using a professional windowed postage-paid envelope
  • Post your invoice (either the same day, or the following business day depending on when you approve the invoice)
  • We will send you an email confirmation when the invoice has been posted, and save a copy in your job diary for future reference

How much does InstantPost cost?

There are no fees to start using InstantPost, just a fee for each invoice you post. Pricing is confirmed when you press the Post Invoice button on the invoicing page.

NOTE: Currently InstantPost is only available to ServiceM8 Clients in Australia

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