How to complete a Network Request without a ServiceM8 Account

If you've received an e-mail from ServiceM8 to notify you that you've received a work order or a quote request, this help article will guide you through how to complete the request.

Note - you do not need to sign up to ServiceM8, install any software, or pay any fees in order to receive and complete your work order or quote request.

What is ServiceM8?

ServiceM8 is field service software designed to help small business thrive. The ServiceM8 Network allows ServiceM8 users to send Work Orders or Quote requests to other ServiceM8 users or to any e-mail address. If you've received one of these requests and you don't have a ServiceM8 account, you can complete it without signing up or installing ServiceM8.

Click the Accept Job button

Click the Accept Job button

This will notify the sender of the network request (Rons Realty in this example) that you have accepted the job. After you accept the job, the button will change to an In Progress / Completed status indicator.

Complete the job requirements

Complete the job requirements

As you progress through each stage of the work, click or tap the corresponding job requirement to notify the sender that it's completed.

If you accidentally click an item, click it again within 30 seconds to mark it as un-completed. After 30 seconds, the completed requirement will be shared with the sender and cannot be un-completed.

Clicking a Photo or Document requirement will display a button to choose a file to complete that requirement.

Clicking a Form requirement (not shown in this example) will start the process of completing the Form.

Mark the request as Completed

Mark the request as Completed

Once all the job requirements have been completed, click the Completed button to mark the Network Request as completed. This will automatically notify the sender of the request.

(Optional) How to navigate to the job

(Optional) How to navigate to the job

If the sender provided job address details, you can click the Navigate to Job button to open your device's mapping app (if you're using a smartphone) or Google/Apple Maps (if you're using a desktop computer).

(Optional) How to send messages to the Network Request sender

(Optional) How to send messages to the Network Request sender

At the bottom of the page, you'll find the Job Diary which contains a history of events (such as the job being Accepted and Completed), as well as messages sent between you and the business that sent the Network Request.

Type a message in the text field and click Send to send it to the requester. Click the paper clip icon at the right if you want to include an attachment.

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