How to add fields to photos using Advanced Photo Branding

Whenever you add a photo to a Job Diary, ServiceM8 automatically records the date it was saved. By default, when you email a photo from the Job Diary to a client, it is branded with your business name, job number, and date saved, providing a helpful, professional record for both you and your client.

You can customise that branding even more using Advanced Photo Branding. This free ServiceM8 add-on gives you access to additional fields that can be added to a photo, helping you meet your specific business or industry requirements.

sample default photo
blank line

To activate Advanced Photo Branding:

  1. From the Online Dashboard, go to Settings > ServiceM8 Add-ons.
blank line
  1. Find and click Advanced Photo Branding.
  2. Click the switch to toggle ON.
blank line

To customise Advanced Photo Branding:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences.
blank line
  1. Click Email Settings.
  2. Under Image Branding, use the drop-down arrow next to each line item to select the details you would like branded on your photos. Options include:
    • Customer Name
    • Company Name
    • Date
    • Date & Time
    • GPS Location
    • Purchase Order #
    • Photo Tags
    • Job Address
    • Job #
    • N/A (to leave blank)
  1. Click Save.
blank line

The next time you email a photo to a client, it will display your custom branding options.

photo with advanced branding
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