How do I add a new site to a head office?

You can manage multiple sites under a single head office using the Client Sites add-on. This article explains how to add a new site to a head office. Note that the head office location must already be set up as a regular client in ServiceM8.

  • To link an existing client as a site to a head office, see this article.
  • For more information about the Client Sites add-on, see this article.
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To add a new site to a head office:

  1. From the Online Dashboard, click Clients.
click clients
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  1. Browse or search for the head office location. Click Open Client.
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  1. Click Sites.
  2. Click New Site.
add new site
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  1. Add the site name, address, and site contact information. Note that there will only be a site contact, not a billing contact, for the new site, because all billing will be handled through the head office.
  2. Click Save.
save new site information
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  1. The new site is now listed on the head office client card. Click Close.
head office client card
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The Clients list now displays the new site as a client, but with the head office name indicated below the site name.

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