How do I manage having one company with multiple business'?

There are two options for how to manage multiple business in ServiceM8

One ServiceM8 account for all of the business'

  • All invoicing can be done through one accounting package, with one person managing accounts easily across all business.
  • It is not possible to have more than one accounting package linked in.
  • All jobs from all business will be in the one job list and dashboard. - Although using categories you can split the different business' on the job list.
  • Job numbers will be unique accross all business'.
  • All business' will be on one dispatch board, meaning combined staff, queues, jobs and clients.

Multiple ServiceM8 accounts - one for each business

  • You will need one accounting package/account per business.
  • Jobs from each business will in completely separate accounts, no chance of mixing jobs up on the dispatch board and jobs list.
  • Each business will have their own set of job numbers.
  • Each business will have its own dispatch board.
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