How do I attach photos and files to Emails?

This lesson will show you how to attach files to emails and how to import files from your computer to the diary.

Open a job card

Start at the open job card

All attachments, invoices, quotes and photos in the diary are available for your email.

To attach a file from your computer click Attach a file icon from Job Diary

To attach a file from your computer click Attach a file

Select a file and click Choose/Open

Select a file and click Attach

Tip: You can actually drag-and-drop a file(s) onto the job card to attach them. Here is how.

The new file is now in the diary.

Our new file is now in the diary

To send a file with an invoice or quote, click New Email

Click on the Smart Attachments to add them

Click on the Smart Attachments to add them

Files attached on the email will not be added to the diary, although they will display as an attachment of this email in the diary.

Or you can directly attach file by click Attach File in the email

Select an Email Templates

That's it, your email now ready to send with the file attachments.

Click Send

The email will now be in the diary with all attachments for future reference.

That's it your done!
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