How enquiry allocation works

NOTE: ServiceM8's Franchise Management module is being deactivated in 2022, and new franchisor accounts cannot be created. If you're looking for a job management solution for your franchisees, please review the core ServiceM8 product against your requirements.

With the Franchise add-on, any job request or enquiry can be automatically assigned to your franchise accounts through its service region or manually allocated in call center panel.

Please note that call center feature is only available in Franchise Enterprise package.

If the Franchise > Auto-Allocation is enabled and when an enquiry is received, ServiceM8 checks the job address and determines if it falls into a Service Region (either KML or postcode).

If the job address matches a Service Region, that enquiry is automatically sent to the inbox of the Franchisee who owns that Service Region. You can check out this link on how you can configure your service region for your franchise.

We recommend that you don't create Service Regions which overlap each other. However, if this does occur (i.e. a job address is inside 2 service regions) then the auto-allocation system will allocate the job to the closest franchisee based on the distance between the job address and the franchisee's office address.

The Franchise can accept the job by converting it from an Inbox message to a job, or they can reject the job by deleting the inbox message.

If the job address does not match a Service Region, or the franchisee rejects the job, then the Enquiry will appear in the Call Center then someone can manually choose an allocated franchisee, or close/delete the enquiry.

Without call center it works like this:

Job address not in service region it will be allocated to closest franchisee.

Franchisee rejects enquiry then that enquiry will be visible in Enquiry History.

Online bookings will only appear in the call center if the auto-allocation system couldn't decide which franchise to allocate them to.

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