How to use PayByBank with ServiceM8 Pay (UK)

Available in the United Kingdom, PayByBank is a fast and secure way for clients to transfer you money, which costs far less than card payments! 

Customers simply select their bank, verify the payment in their banking app, and the payment goes through, with instant confirmation.

What does it cost to accept PayByBank payments?

The cost of accepting PayByBank payments through ServiceM8 Pay is on a pay-as-you-go, per-transaction basis.

The PayByBank processing fee is 0.75% + 20p i.e. there is a percentage fee, based on the transaction value (0.75% of the value) and a fixed fee (20p). 


  • Surcharging is not supported with PayByBank i.e. you cannot pass on the PayByBank processing fees to your customers.
  • The ability to let customers pay with PayByBank is part of the ServiceM8 Pay add-on. However, it is a separate payment method to accepting credit & debit card payments, which has different processing fees. You can find the processing fees for credit & debit card payments with ServiceM8 Pay here. 
  • PayByBank cannot be deactivated, or only presented for some jobs or clients — with ServiceM8 Pay activated, the PayByBank option will always display when a client clicks/taps 'Pay Now' in one of your online invoices. 

How to start taking PayByBank payments

The option for your clients to pay via PayByBank is only available in the United Kingdom, and only available if you've enabled ServiceM8 Pay.

Before you begin using PayByBank with ServiceM8 Pay, please review the ServiceM8 Pay Terms & Conditions. 

Once you've activated ServiceM8 Pay, all invoices you send to clients to view and pay online, will include the option to use PayByBank. 

How clients pay with PayByBank

Once ServiceM8 Pay is enabled, when you send clients an email or text via ServiceM8 to view their invoice online (i.e. the online invoice link), it will include the option to 'Pay Now' online, which will have the option to pay by card, or, Pay By Bank:


When they tap 'Confirm and Pay...", they'll be prompted to choose their bank:

After choosing their bank, they can scan a special QR code to open their banking app, and verify the payment:


Once they verify and complete the payment in their banking app, it will be processed, you'll receive a payment notification in ServiceM8, and the payment will be added to the job:


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